
All players wishing to try out in the Oklahoma region must register with USAV ahead of any sanctioned club tryout.  Some dates may be subject to change w/Region approval under extenuating circumstances, but changes aren’t expected.  Coaches and Club Directors/Administrators must also complete registration and credentials prior to participating in sanctioned activities.

2024 Tryout Dates

  • Girls – Ages 10, 11, and 12 – Tryouts may begin on September 24th.
  • Girls – Ages 13 & 14 – Tryouts may begin on October 8th.
  • Girls – Ages 15-18 – Tryouts may begin on October 28th.
  • Boys – Tryouts may begin on August 5th.
  • Click here for tryout dates for clubs in the Tulsa Area and/or OKC area

2024 Signing Dates

  • Girls – Ages 10-12 – Signings may begin no earlier than October 5th.
  • Girls – Ages 13-14 – Signings may begin no earlier than October 19th.
  • Girls – Ages 15-18 – Signings may begin no earlier than November 7th.
  • Boys – Signings TBA.

Clubs, independent of the region’s USAV membership fee, set any tryout fee.

A Message to Club Directors/Administrators

Annual Tryout Scheduling Meeting – Going forward, the OKRVA Region plans to tentatively schedule the Tulsa-area and OKC-area tryout meetings every year on the last Sunday in July.  This is the annual meeting, both for existing AND new clubs in the Oklahoma Region, to meet to schedule tryouts in their area to best minimize overlapping tryout dates so we may maximize opportunities for junior members to attend all the tryouts they wish to participate.  We ask for at least one club director, administrator, or designated representative to attend.

If your club director/administrator is unsure which of these meetings they are assigned to, please contact the Region Commissioner or complete the Contact Us information.

A Message to Players and Parents

OKRVA Statement Regarding Pressuring of Players – The region occasionally hears concerns from players/parents about players feeling pressured by coaches/clubs to sign by a certain date/time. Below is a series of statements to make clear the Region’s philosophy on this issue:

  • It is the intent of the Oklahoma Region to encourage players to try out for more than one club if they choose.
  • It is the Region’s intent that players are not pressured into a verbal commitment due to a coach/club establishing an unreasonable date/time for a decision.
  • A decision to join a team/club is an individual decision that should be made by a parent/player alone free from club pressure. Gathering players together after a tryout, stating “this is their team” and asking for commitments should be considered pressuring.
  • When a player receives an offer to commit, she/he needs to decide within a reasonable amount of time. Delaying a decision affects many other players who are also waiting for an offer to commit.
  • Players/Parents should understand that teams/clubs need to know a player’s decision in a timely manner to move on to the next player.
  • No player/parent should be asked to sign a contract before the region[1]approved signing dates. Contracts are not binding until the signing date.
  • If a player feels pressured into a decision before, they have gone to other clubs’ tryouts, she/he should contact the Region Commissioner or may complete the Contact Us information.